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Olio extravergine di oliva Le Dase Garda DOP

From 250ml to 5l, the green gold of Garda can be yours to take home

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVO DOP is unique of its kind and easily recognisable amongst other Italian DOP oils. It’s homegrown and homemade: we use it in our cooking, you will find it in our restaurant and we can send it to you at home from our shop.

Delicate and flavoursome

Our Oil has a well balanced flavour which is, at the same time, both delicate and tasty. It has the typical light fruity aftertaste of almonds. Its colour goes from yellow to green varying in intensity according to its age and it is particularly rich in Chlorophyll which gives it a savoury flavour.


The maximum acidity is 0.5% (expressed as oleic acid) and it’s rich in oleic acid, vitamin E and Biophynelic composites that make this product tasty, healthy, good and easy to use.

You can describe it as ‘pinching’ or ‘grating’ your throat and this is a characteristic of good quality extra virgin oils.

This effect is thanks to the presence of Polyphenols and Tocopherols which protect the oil from aging and oxidization.  They are good for humans as they combat free radicals and help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

How do you use it?

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVO D.O.P. delnoss is versatile. It’s good raw but fabulous used in cooking. We use it to prepare, flavour and dress all our dishes. As it’s light, it can accompany many meat dishes, but also fish, cruditès, cooked vegetables and salads. It’s also used to pep up bruschetta and some cheeses and it’s even good with ice cream and some puddings.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVO D.O.P. delnoss is even good just on a slice of bread or polenta and therefore with everything! 

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVO D.O.P. delnoss is part of our culture and long standing traditions. It has always been considered to be a  precious and valued product. From ancient times, it’s been used for its properties and prepared as infusions, creams, medicines, cosmetics and lamp fuel. It’s even more precious and useful than petrol.

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0,25 lt0,5 lt0,75 lt3 lt5 lt
9 Euro16 Euro22 Euro75 Euro120 Euro

How to order our Oil

Write an email, a whatsapp message, phone, come an eat at the restaurant or on holiday in the agriturismo

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